The Family Tree Project information is on the website under the Activities tab (along with the information about the Gertrude Cooper Memorial). Please take a few minutes to look it over.
The tree below is an example of the Gertrude/Don Cooper Family Tree. Your own family tree will not include your aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. This is your opportunity to add a personal touch to your reunion book.
Don't want to rush anyone, but there are only three weeks and three days left before June 15th. Just a couple of reminders: please let me know if there are updates to your information in the reunion book. You can either bring your personal family tree artwork to the reunion or see that I have it before June 10. Remember to pick up some items for the Gertrude Cooper Memorial Food Donation. Thanks! Hope to see everyone in June.

Updated the photos page with a small slideshow. Will add more early next week along with a questionnaire to update the information in the book. It's been a couple of years now; I know there have been changes for some of you. Please use the Contact Us page to send me your email, phone number, or mailing address so I can be sure  

Hope everyone is working on the Family Tree project for the upcoming reunion. Guidelines are under the Activities tab. Think about what your family looks like now, create a family tree that will be put into the reunion book, bring it to the reunion.It can be as elaborate or simple as you want to make it.
Suddenly it's the first of May; June is only four weeks away and the reunion two weeks after that. I would like to have the updates for the reunion book before the end of this month (please) so I have time to make any changes before hand. Thanks!

How many of you remember the year this guy had hair?